Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) Journal

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Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) Journal


Editorial process

Manuscripts that are only submitted to the IIOAB Journal and have not been published, simultaneously submitted, or under consideration of other journal, or already accepted for publication elsewhere; are considered for publication in IIOAB Journal.

Process for Regular Issues

Authors need to prepare articles following the Author guidelines and submit directly to the Journal mentioning to consider the article for Regular Issue as per the Regular issue Submission guidelines. Once a manuscript is submitted for regular issue to the Journal, an acknowledgement is sent to the corresponding author with in 24-48 hours with a manuscript number. The Editorial team review the submitted manuscripts initially for its originality, scientific and technical merit, English language, journal format etc. and if all aspects are satisfied, the manuscript is then sent for external two or more expert peer-review without revealing the identity of the contributors. Once the review comments are received from the reviewers, a decision (revision, acceptance, or rejection) on the manuscript is taken by the handling editor based on the review comments and is communicated to the author along with the review comments. Once the revised manuscript is received from the corresponding author, it is again sent for final review and based on review comment, it is accepted or rejected.

Process for Thematic Special Issues

A Guest editor calls article for a theme oriented Special Issue. Consulting with the Guest editor, the corresponding authors need to submit the article to the Guest editor copying to the Journal following the Author guidelines and Special Issue Submission guidelines. The Guest editor will send acknowledgement of submission with a manuscript reference number to the authors and conduct standard peer-review (like the regular issue) and accept/reject articles in coordination with Editorial Office.

Process for Supplement Issues

The representatives of conference, society, publishing organization, researchers etc. will contact the editorial office with a proposal of publication of their articles in IIOAB Journal. If the articles are within the scope of IIOAB Journal, the journal will ask to submit the articles. Each article will undergo editorial and peer-review process similar to the regular issue articles, and based on the review decision, an article will be accepted or rejected for publication. The articles to be submitted following the Author guidelines. Articles related to social sciences, management, economics etc. like subjects are considered for supplement issues.

Process after acceptance of articles

Once an article is accepted in IIOAB Journal, it cannot be withdrawn in any circumstances. As IIOAB Journal is an OPEN ACCESS journal, the authors need to pay publication/editing/formatting expense to publish the articles. Once the payment is received, the galley proof will be sent to the authors. The authors need to send back the corrected galley proof to the editorial office with in 48 hours. Correction received after that period or after online publication will not be included/entertained. Once the corrected galley proof is received, the article will go online.

Publication expense to authors

As an OPEN ACCESS journal, the entire operation of IIOABJ depends on Author's contributions. There is no cost to single author article where the author is a student. A minimum publication expense is required for other cases. Publication expense is mandatory for funded/institutional supported works. But for unfunded works special waiver may be considered in case-to-case basis (Authors need to request for partial waiver and the cause for which the waiver is requested in their article submission Cover letter). IIOAB Journal is author friendly. Failing to pay the expense won't bar publication of accepted articles in IIOABJ; however, there might be delay in publication of the article.


Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) Journal ISSN: 0976-3104
Copyright © IIOAB Journal 2010 - 2023